EARLY: open - 06/02/2024 |
$96 per player |
REGULAR: 06/03/2024 - 07/14/2024 |
$106 per player |
LATE: 07/15/2024 - age groups close During the late registration period, a $20 nonrefundable late fee is included per player. Late registrants will be accepted on a space-available basis and are not guaranteed placement on teams or accommodation of special requests. |
$126 per player |
Multiple-child Discount:
Third child registered from the same family receives a $25 discount on the registration fee. Fourth child or more are free.
Volunteer Discount:
Head coaches and volunteer executive committee members receive one discounted registration rate ($35) for one child player for each volunteer position they fulfill. The discount will be issued as a credit or refund to the full registration fee (paid up front) before the end of each season.
See volunteer opportunities here
Opt-Out Fee:
A $25 Opt-Out fee is added to each registration if a volunteer activity is not chosen.
Withdrawal: Partial refunds for withdrawal will be granted before March 1 (Spring) / August 1 (Fall), for any reason. Between March 1/August 1 and the beginning of league play, refunds will be granted for the following reasons:
After league play has begun, no refunds will be granted. The above dates and conditions will be strictly observed.
In all cases where a refund is granted, a charge will be deducted to cover overhead and administrative cost, resulting in a $73 refund of registration fees. The refund amount will be the same whether a player registers early, on-time, or late. Any uniform or opt-out fees will be refunded in full.
Waitlist: Waitlist players not placed on teams will receive a full refund of registration fees. Any uniform or opt-out fees will be refunded in full. Late fees will NOT be refunded.